Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Swim Lessons!

The gym I joined is actually the community recreational center here in West Valley. They have all sorts of programs for kids Rich and I are really excited about. They have soccer which I think I will get both kids involved in next summer, dance, basketball, tae kwan do, musical theater academies and day camps. For now I am focused on swim lessons. Dexter started a two week, four class session today. Lucy starts a Mommy & Me swim lesson on Oct. 4th, which I am excited about too. Dexter also starts a Busy Bee "Edufun" program in October. It is a soft-start to pre-school. Anyway, on to Dexter's swim lesson today. Despite the laxidasical instructor it was pretty awesome, mostly because Dexter had SO much fun. As soon as he stepped in the water he started walking towards the deeper water and got neck deep! I was a little anxious for him but he was so brave (or at least had no fear, which I am not sure is a good thing)! Today's lesson was just about getting in and having fun in the pool but they are supposed to get the hang of blowing bubbles and try to float by the end of the session. Dexter kept looking at the HUGE water slide, pointing to it and asking the instructor if he could slide down it. (That's him in the picture pointing to the slide.) Yeah, I don't think so kid. He kept on asking me, "Can I stay in here for awhile longer, Mommy?" But by the time it was over he came out of the pool and said, "That was a great idea to do swim lessons, Mom. I had fun. Now let's go get Luce. I miss Luce." (She and Hazel were in the daycare still). But what a great brother. So sweet. Doesn't my little man look awesome in goggles?!

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