Thursday, August 21, 2008

Now I am mad!

As I have mentioned before I really don't want Hazel growing up too fast. But still she insists. Saturday she starting rolling back to front. She has now mastered it and was doing it all morning, over and over. Roll to belly, scream until Mommy turns me over. During all this fun I was trying to do the dishes in the kitchen. I heard Hazel screaming again and started drying my hands to go turn her around. Then all of the sudden the crying stopped. I walked in the room and she was on her back again. Hmmmm.... I assumed Dex or Lucy had rolled her over. I didn't like that idea so I sat down on the floor to supervise and play. The next thing I saw made me so proud and a touch angry! She rolled a complete 360 degrees! I ran to get the camera to document it in case it happened again and sure enough it did. The above slide show is her 3rd time in a row. After all that activity she was TIRED and went down for a nap about 30 minutes early. She is 3 days shy of 4 months old. She is already in 9 month clothing and growing like a weed. Like I said, she is growing up TOO FAST! And I DON"T LIKE IT!!! Hazel if you're reading this, (who knows, at the rate your going, maybe you are reading) please stop trying to get so big so fast. I want my tiny, cuddly, soft, immobile baby back!!!
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