Friday, July 3, 2009

New Tradition

Tonight we made frozen bananas for a 4th of July treat. I love frozen bananas, but rarely ever make them or have them so this was real fun for me. It was so fun in fact I think we are going to have to make it a new 4th of July tradition. My wife waned coconut on 'em, but I think coconut is nasty so we made some others with almonds and the kids pitched in with the Jimmies. After dinner they were frozen and the kids got to dig in. It was sooo funny watching them eat those things. Hazel looked like she had a beard or at least a real bad 5:00 shadow made out of chocolate. They were smiling ear to ear and their little white teeth stuck out against the dark chocolate circles around their mouths. We have some pictures of the fun so hang in there and I'll get to them sometime soon.

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