Monday, May 25, 2009

Lotsa Pictures

We just got back from a great vacation out to California and we have a ton of pictures. The slide-shows give a good overview of the fun events. Dexter got to celebrate his birthday in the magic kingdom and he had an awesome time. Lucy got to meet her favorite princesses face to face which proved to be too much for her to take. Hazel was loving life and although she spent a lot of time in the stroller she had a great time too. We also went to Legoland and it was a great time. The new pirate section of the park was wonderful, but the Aquarium was a bit of a let down. I must say that even Monterey Bay Aquarium was a let down for me so Legoland shouldn't feel so bad about it. I do however like how they designed it for kids by creating tunnels into the inside of the aquarium that they can then pop up in the middle of. That was pretty cool. We also got to go to my old stomping grounds in San Clemente CA. It was the first time the kids had gone to a beach with "waves" and they had a blast. Lucy liked it until one knocked her over, then she wouldn't go near the water. :) Funny, but events like that will keep people from venturing into the waves for the rest of their lives. Hopefully she will get over it when she gets to the beach again.

One of the best things we enjoyed was seeing the family and getting all the kids together. They had a blast and we quickly found out that this batch of kids is a motley crew for sure. One is like a little wrestler and will take on anyone. Unfortunately that means you ALWAYS have to keep your guard up or he may clobber you when you least expect it. It was real great to see all the friends and family and I really wish we all lived closer. Enough talk, lets see some pictures!

1 comment:

Zac and Whitney Phelps said...

Looks like you guys had a fun trip, I am so Jealous!