Sunday, August 30, 2009

We have a new girl in the family now. Welcome Ruby!

This weekend I finally picked up my little girl from my friend Brian. She is a leopard gecko that was born with a deformed tail and trusted to us to take care of. Brian is a great guy and runs a site called where he sells some pretty stunning animals. Anyhoo the kids went crazy and our little Hazel nut couldn't get enough of Ruby. She actually laid down on the counter next to the cage and watched in amazement as Ruby slept. Then she laid her head down next to the glass and tried to cuddle with her. It was cute I tell ya... cute. Don't believe me, well then check out the picture

See... I told you so. Anyway we have some fun little kids. Check them out.


Lindsay said...

That's so cute that Hazel is trying to cuddle with Ruby. Ha! SO cute! I love the ties pictures too. Your little kids are just so cute-I love their little faces!

Lonni said...

Your kids are so cute!! That would be something my kids would love. Very fun!!